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Sell your home with Blackshaw

​With over 35 years’ experience in the ACT real estate industry, we understand property and we get Canberra. Since 2019, the Blackshaw brand is once again family owned and operated, making both family and community at the heart of absolutely everything we do. 

Our team are passionate about creating memorable experiences through exceptional service and exceeding client expectations. We inspire, guide and educate all clients with compassion and believe in building lasting relationships that continue beyond the sale of your home by remaining accountable, honest and transparent. 

Our values guide everything we do in our mission to connect people with property, and ensure we're always working in the best interests of our clients and the community.

Let our family help your family by selling your home with Blackshaw.

Selling Your Home

Recent Property Sales

Maria Tsoulias
Ahmad Souweid
Jessica Chamberlain
Taylah Grocott

Tips for selling your home

  • Consider updating low cost items such as cupboard door handles for a refreshed look.
  • Don't make your home so personalised that another family can't envisage themselves in the property. Consider storing away family photos around the home, as well as other personal items.
  • Tidy up inside your cupboards as buyers will check for storage space.
More Tips
Blackshaw Corporate

27 Bougainville Street
Manuka ACT 2603